Greek Extra Virgin Olive Oil a Name you can Trust and Buy

Greek Extra-virgin olive oil is of exceptional quality, aroma, and taste. The oil comes from the first pressing of the olives, and no chemicals or hot water are added during processing. Ancient Greek therapists used olive oil to cure and heal and it’s not a coincidence that “Homer”, the legendary author of the “Iliad” and “Odyssey” called it the “Liquid Gold” and Hippocrates ( The father of medicine ) called it therapeutic.

Our Olive oil from Crete is obtained from the juice of the olives. We are in the olive oil business 3 generations with many years of experience and know-how in supplying only excellent quality extra virgin olive oil to foreign and domestic markets. Committed to offering only the very best to our customers and families.

Our Extra-Virgin Olive Oil is Available
✔ in 4 sizes 250ml | 500ml | 750ml | 1L | 5L
✔ Bottled in glass Uvag bottles ( to protect from sunlight )
✔ Cold Pressed
✔ Hand-picked olives of the finest olive groves in Crete
✔ Low Acidity < 0.3 at extraction
✔ Mono-varietal “Koroneiki olives”

Obtained with best practices certified food safety procedures | ISO 22000

Why Choose the Greek olive oil
✔ For the Taste
Olive oil is the only edible oil that offers a variety of natural flavors. You can choose the taste that you like between mild, semi-fruity, fruity, bitter, pungent and sweet olive oils.
✔ For the health benefits
Olive oil is a pure fruit juice, high in healthy monounsaturated fats, which are called the good fats.
It has a large proportion of vitamins A, D, and K, as well as vitamin E, which is a key source of protein needed in the fight against free radicals. The Olive Oil is an ally of our health and it contributes to:

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Intake of antioxidants
  • improve the balance of the “good” (HDL) to the “bad” (LDL) cholesterol in the blood
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

✔ For its role in the Mediterranean diet
Olive oil is a paradigm of the Mediterranean Diet and is used in everyday in cooking and in the preparation of cakes and  pastries. You can use it raw onto your favorite salads, dipped with bread and marinades.

OLIVE OIL | Ideal for sautéing and in baking casserole dishes. It flavors every dish and donates that extra rich taste.

As well, olive oil can be used for frying, because it has a high smoke point of 210 degrees celsius and doesn’t degrade as quickly as many other oils do with repeated high heating use.

With more and more top quality restaurants, worldwide, embrace the basic elements of the Mediterranean Diet serving bread with olive oil and olive paste instead of butter, as practiced in the past.

For daily consumption
Now that you have learned why you should switch your other olive oil, to extra virgin olive oil, we inform you on how to keep it fresh till the very last drop.

Buy small quantities of olive oil, so that you will always have it fresh.

Store it in a cool, dark place and avoid exposure to Heat, Light, and Air because it will begin to oxidize and lose its fruit flavors.

Choosing the type of Olive Oil
Extra virgin olive oil has a free acidity, expressed as oleic acid, of not more than 0.8 grams / 100 grams and the other characteristics of which correspond to this category. Distinguished from all the other oils and makes it the queen of oils.

Virgin olive oil has a free acidity, expressed as oleic acid, of not more than 2 grams per 100 grams and the other characteristics of which correspond to those fixed for this category in this standard.
Very good for cooking, mainly for sauté and baking and it can be used in salads as well.  Virgin olive oil is good for body and hair massage too.

Olive oil is the oil consisting of a blend of refined olive oil and virgin olive oils fit for consumption as they are. It has a free acidity, expressed as oleic acid, of not more than 1 gram per 100 grams and its other characteristics correspond to those fixed for this category in this standard.

Olive pomace oil comprised of exclusive oils obtained by treating the product after the extraction of the olive oil and oils and is obtained directly from olives or oil comprising exclusively of oils obtained by processing olive pomace oil and oils obtained directly from olives (Acidity Max 1)

Reading the Label | When buying Greek olive oil
To be assured you are buying excellent quality Greek olive oil, Firstly, read the label and make sure it  clearly states “Extra-Virgin Olive Oil”. Secondly, look for the region where the olive oil is produced and verify  that its labeled produced in Greece.

The wording is strictly controlled, therefore a producer can label its product “extra virgin olive oil” only under certain circumstances. 

Read the label so you know the type of olive oil you are buying

Extra-virgin olive oil.:
A top quality healthy juice! a completely natural product, a juice that is derived from the first pressing of the olives. It has the richest aroma and the deepest flavor amongst other edible oils or fat. It has a free acidity, expressed as oleic acid, of no more than 0.8 grams per 100 grams and other characteristics of which correspond to those fixed for this category in this standard. Classified as a superior category olive oil, obtained directly from olives and solely by mechanical means (Acidity Max 0.8)

Virgin olive oil.:
Has a free acidity, expressed as oleic acid, of not more than 2 grams per 100 grams and the other characteristics of which correspond to those fixed for this category in this standard. It is obtained directly from olives and solely by mechanical means (Acidity Max 2)

Olive pomace oil comprised of exclusive oils obtained by treating the product after the extraction of the olive oil and oils and is obtained directly from olives or oil comprising exclusively of oils obtained by processing olive pomace oil and oils obtained directly from olives (Acidity Max 1).

PDO PGI Olive oil  | What is Protected Designation of Origin Olive Oil?
Olive oils PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) bear the name of the region originating in and have particular organoleptic characteristics which distinguish them from olive oils produced in other regions.

These olive oil are produced in a specific geographic area and meet strict production rules that describe characteristics of the product, the geographic area, the methods of cultivation and processing and the varieties of olives.

This is a self-regulatory code of compliance by operators in the olive industry, and constantly monitored by a 3rd party recognized by the competent authorities.

How do we recognize P.D.O. olive oil?
Look for the logo

How do we recognize P.G.I. olive oil?
Look for the logo

Olive oil of Protected Designated Origin (PDO): Oils bearing the name of the region they are originating in with particular organoleptic characteristics which distinguish them from olive oils produced in other regions.

Olive Oil of Protected Geographical Indications (PGI): Oils bearing the name of the region to which they owe their reputation and of which production and processing is carried out exclusively in this area.

** Interested to open new export markets | Email us for info and pricing

Anastacia Markaki 
iNFODATA Exports | FDA Label Compliance
53, P. Bakogianni str., 152 35 Vrilissia, Attiki | Greece
t.: +30 2108101335 m.: +30 6972202160 s.: amarkaki
Email: Web

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